Institute of Development Research (IDR)
" A centre of excellence in research "
Books |
Reproductive Ill-Health among women in South India: Levels, Patterns and Determinants (2011) by Krishnakumar C.S, VDM publishers, Germany.
Publications in National and International Journals
“Overseas Recruitment Practices in India”, 2008. Research Report, M S Jayakumar co authored with S Irudaya Rajan and V J Varghese. www.ilo.int/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/events/overseas/download/paper5.pdf
“Trends and Patterns in Mortality in India: Historical Roots and Contemporary Development Experience”, In Shaping India: Land, Population, Institutions and State in Historical Perspective, Edited by D Narayana and Raman Mahadevan, published by Taylor and Francis Group.
“Low Birth Weight and Nutritional Status of Mothers in India”, Maternal and Child Health Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10995-009-0451-8, 2009.
“Gynaecological morbidity among Married Women in India: A Socio-demographic Analysis of Regional Contrast in Treatment Seeking Behaviour”, in The Journal of Family Welfare, Vol. 53, No. 2, December, 2007.
“Length of Fecund Life Span of Sterilised couples in India: An Examination of State Level Differentials and Correlates”, in Janasamkhya, A journal of Demography, Published by University of Kerala. Volume XXI, pp 43-55. Published in 2006.

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